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Need some help with this

By Booger926
7/01/2017 2:55 pm
I am game planning against an opponent in a league.
While planning a defensive scheme, I noticed that my opponent runs a certain formation 50% of the time.
Out of this formation, he passes 55% of the time and runs 45% of the time.
His pass attempts out of the formation is 28% of his total offensive plays while his rushes out of the formation are 22% of his total offensive plays.
His total run/pass ratio is 53%/43%, so I am figuring that he prides the run over the pass.

However, the certain formation that he runs 50% of the time, 36% of the plays are not in my current playbook, so I have no idea how to defend against his strengths, even though it is definitely favored against the pass while he would rather run overall.

All game information is based on the past 12 games played.

Any help would be appreciated.