ssid_27 wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has an idea or has came up with a way to rate a team as a whole? Top to bottom, from say the Head Coach down to the water boy. I have some ideas like putting the players in position groups and getting an average on each group then have like Overall, Offense, defense, special teams kinda like Madden. I think it would be a cool thing to be able to see. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
only thing i could suggest to be able to rate a team would be like adding all the players ratings together then divided it by how many players you have on the team
like for example number you get from adding all those 52 players up you should divide it by 52.
now to do each position i would recommend like you add all those players up and divide it by how many you have
like for example
81+72 = 153
divide 2 from 153 = 76.5
81+77+67+43 = 268
divide 4 from 268 = 67
82 + 68 = 150
divide 2 from 150 = 75
91+91+73+72+69+66 =462
divide 5 from 462 = 92.4
82+76 = 158
divide 2 from 158 = 79
94+75 = 169
divide 2 from 169 = 84.5
84+82+79+36 = 281
divide 4 from 281 = 70.2
76+72+46 = 194
divide 3 from 194 = 64.6
71+65 = 136
divide 2 from 136 = 68
your averages for offense are
76.5 , 67 , 82 , 75 . 92.4 , 79 , 84.5 , 70.2 , 64.6 and 68
now lets add them up = 759.2 divide 10 from it = 75.9 rating for your offense
DT 85+83+75 = 243
divide 3 from 243 = 81
LDE 82+78 = 160
divide 2 from 160 = 80
RDE 92+89+68 = 259
divide 3 from 259 = 86.3
MLB 97+71= 168
divide 2 from 168 = 84
SLB 82+59 = 141
divide 2 from 141 = 70.5
WLB 84+58 = 142
divide 2 from 142 = 71
CB 91+83+75+73+62 = 384
divide 5 from 384 = 76.8
FS 69+69 = 138
divide 2 from 138 = 69
SS 90+64 = 154
divide 2 from 154 = 77
these are your ratings for defense groups
81 , 80 , 86.3 , 84 , 70.5 , 71 , 76.8 , 69 and 77
now lets add up all 9 = 695.6 divide 9 from it = 77.2 is your rating for your defense
special teams
94+83 = 177
divide 2 from 177 = 88.5 is your rating for special teams
91+86+79+70+70+70+69+68+64+63+62+53 = 845
divide 12 from 845 = 70.4
overall rating
offense 75.9
defense 77.2
special teams 88.5
coaches 70.4
312 added
78 when 312 is divided by 4
so your overall rating is 78
Last edited at 4/15/2018 1:01 pm